Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Pelvic Health Physical Therapy is a highly specialized and sensitive area of practice. Trauma attuned Pelvic Health Specialists at Roots perform a thorough history and assessment of all things related to you and your health, including pelvic pain and pelvic floor dysfunction and how its affecting you. We combine experience and expertise in orthopedics and pelvic floor for a truly holistic approach to care.
Our Approach to Healing
A pelvic floor evaluation is 60-90 minutes long. We use this time to get to know you and to understand your unique condition. We perform a head-to-toe assessment of your posture, flexibility, stability, mobility, balance and functional movement patterns. If indicated and with your consent, an internal pelvic floor muscle examination will be performed. This includes gentle palpation for areas of tightness or tension along with assessment of length and strength of key pelvic floor musculature.
Hands-on manual therapy treatment is provided on day one focused on relieving your pain and improving your condition. You work together with your provider t to create a treatment plan that works for you.
60 Minutes
Follow-Up Sessions
Common Pelvic Health Conditions
We specialize in working with all people and all genders, those who are pregnant or postpartum, those who are nearing or navigating perimenopause and menopause, and those undergoing gender affirming procedures.
Pelvic pain
Low back and hip pain
Pain with sex
Pelvic floor tension and hypertonia
Sexual dysfunction
Urinary urgency
Frequency or incontinence,
Painful bladder syndrome/frequent UTIs
Post-operative conditions
Fecal incontinence and bowel dysfunction
Diastasis recti and abdominal conditions
Prolapse and connective tissue disorders
Not Sure where to start?
We're here to help. Submit the form below and one of our highly experienced team members will reach out and help you find what's best for you!